miércoles, 15 de abril de 2020

Birmingham by Michelle

Birmingham is a big city with shopping centres, markets, supermarkets, bars, restaurants from differents origins, a lot buses lines… It has one Chinese neighbourhood with Chinese markets and Chinese restaurants. We find traditional dishes from England like a pudding, fish and chips, shortbread… however, the true specialities from Birmingham are: - The Balty: is a curry variety used by a lot of dishes. - The chocolate Cadbury. - The Bird’s Custard: an English cream. - Sunday Roast: it’s a roast meat with fries, that is normally eaten on Sundays. - A dish elaborated with Yorkshire Pudding, sausages and vegetables with gravy. Birmingham people have a very noticeable accent, the “brummie accent”, and the rest of Englands hate it. Bullring is a shopping centre very famous in this city. It’s characterized by a bull situated at the entrance. Also, this city was very important in the industrial revolution, and nowadays too. The “Black Country Living Museum” shows how Birmingham was in the past. In addition, there are famous canals in the city, with boatss, and some people lives there. About the traditions, we can find some festivals in the city with different music styles like as jazz, soul and funk. One important fest is the “Moseley folk and arts festival”. Finally, the food markets and the Chistmas German market are very famous too.

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