viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2021

Dublin by Ana

 Dublin is an Irish city located on the east coast of the island. It´s the capital of the Irish Republic, and it´s de most populated city of the isle. 

Dublin was founded by the Vikings, so we can find in its streets the rests of what viking´s culture was, mixed with other cultures that had been there for many years.  

Dublin is a highly social place, full of culture. At night, pubs are usually crowded vwith locals and visitors, listening and dancing to traditional music. But this city also stands out for its natural beauty. Outside the city you can enjoy walks along the coast, small villages, wide sea views and rugged mountain landscapes in Dublin Bay, named a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO. 

Dublin is a place where you can do a lot of things and learn more about its wonderful culture. 

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