viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2020

French Provence by Rodrigo

 I will recommend you a region that I visited a few years later: the French Provence. I take one special week to sightseeing the villages and cities of different places in southeast France and also to do sport at nature. 

It’s one of the most populated regions in France and it’s known as one the best place in Europe to have a summer holiday. The French Provence has a great coastline in the limit of Mediterranean Sea, whose beaches of white sand and low depth are perfect to take a bath.  

Inland, there are several beautiful and historical villages and little cities such Sommieres; with a great park next to Vidourle river and an upgraded medieval castle on the top of a hill, Arles; which has an Roman Coliseum from first century, and Baux de Provence; with his huge ruined castle of the top of the village, placed between thick forests.  

A great experience you can’t lose. You would be received as one more of their inhabitants, apart from an excellent cuisine and unique hotels. 

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